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Ghost Town

Started by finescalerr, October 08, 2014, 11:35:46 AM

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hey russ if you get really broke you could take in ads for russian brides.it could be a great hit for us old boys who are good with there hands


Still visiting every one or two days to see what is new.  Not particularly busy modelling wise myself, as have been busy planning and building a new shed/studio space in my backyard to be my own dedicate modelling man-cave, and 1:1 holes in the lawn for stumps and bearers doesn't quite fit with what I'd expect to come to this forum for :).  Perhaps once I have my studio completed and can spend time in a space I can be more creative in, I'll have something or more interest to post.



I guess I better chime in before Russ pulls the plug!

Like most of the guys I have a ton of excuses!
1) working all summer on side-jobs to do some work on the house
2) 1,000 sq. ft. of tile to get replaced
3) with a daughter in her first year of HS I am very involved making sure things go as they "should"
4) I honestly have not wanted to model lately, BUT I look forward to getting back
5) broke my foot last month and have been miserable at times (part of #4)

I too check in every day, no matter what.
I am still working on the shay, just didnt get a lot of input with my in progress shots.
Before i pack up everything for the tile job I will take a picture (and may be revive the forum) of where the shay is.

I'm not surprised about your initial post here Russ though.

Jerry - I told you!



Hi Russ,

I am very happy here in this forum and if I may and can write I also like to continue here.
Not everything that I'm building fits in this forum.
I've been working on lately for example very much on the electronics and control of my mine.
Also, I am working with so that in a small car radio remote control to build one.
Then we lost at the beginning of the year within 4 weeks 2 dogs, but in 7 weeks we get a puppy again.
Then calls health also take a break, in which I then so much rather watch here.

In any case, there is a very high level, which may also deter some.
But here I still get, in terms of number of clicks, much more resonance, as in other German forums.

By resonance I mean questions and criticism and not only praise.

My biggest problem is I never had English at school and so is it for me twice as complicated to write a contribution.

In any case, I have learned more in this form, as in many others.

If you want I can also be reached via Skype, to simply deny via PM or email.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal


Like most, I am here every day, sometimes twice.   I enjoy and envy the superb modeling shown on the forum and hope to achieve a bit of that when I build something.
However, we are currently involved with selling our home and doing many neglected repairs, so no time for modeling.   I have many plans after the move to South Carolina but I'm not sure they will be up to the quality required for this forum.
But I will continue reading along with an occasional post when i see something that i can offer a comment on.

However, when I saw the title of this thread I thought it might have something to do with Ray's summertime travels around the Southwest. ::)
Keep it going Russ.
Dave Mason
D&GRR (Dunstead & Granford) in On30
"A people that values its privileges above its principles will soon lose both."~Dwight D. Eisenhower


For some reason, I did not realize that this thread was not about real ghost towns, but a metaphorical one!

I check the forum at least once a day. But I have not posted in a while as I have felt that too many of my postings has been work in progress and air castles.

I would really miss this forum if it disappeared. Hope to contribute more in the future.
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past


Avery important forum for me. I get stoked when following a progression thread and find my self wanting to get back into my studio. Much going on outside the shop/studio, health issues, wife's upcoming surgery ( I have had to take over many of the household chores; I think she is getting tired of my cooking) Then there is getting the yards in shape for winter etc.  I check in several times a day and read through many of the articles, some many times over. My time reading through the forum is my relaxing time.  I contribute once in a while and make comments but find most of the time I really don't have too much important to say.  What would be nice is to have "like" button to click just to register that someone has looked at the thread.  
Thanks for your efforts to keep the forum going.
Bill Hudson
Bill Hudson
Fall down nine times,
get up ten.

Gordon Ferguson

I too got the wrong end of the stick looking at this thread Title

I joined this forum not long after I got back into serious Modelling and have learned so much from it , that to use the modern vernacular , if it was not here I would be devastated

If the NSA for this forum(Russ) checks I have posted occasionally in the recent past and I certainly look in most days, if only to blown away by the latest German micro engineering

I am probably one of the worst here for posting half completed builds, although no one has really shouted at me over this fact ...... Apart from maybe one , but he won't see this comment until next month , so I will get away with it.

Now it has been mentioned before , by me and others, but I really wish there was a "donate button" here so at least a percentage of us could show our appreciation ....... But I know the response I am going to get from our owner, but just maybe he could modify his stubborn stance on this ???
And I really like the idea of a "like" button being added as well!

I am working on various things, and will do some full threads shortly , but in the meantime here is one shot of a finished piece :P and the current project ...... Next week it's back to the boats


MT Hopper

I will join the others as having "misread" the subject of this forum. I am a long time lurker and the only things I've ever posted here are questions. I do check here daily and have received good information.
I am slowly getting back in to model making. I am intimidated by the quality of modelling shown here BUT also inspired by it. I am indeed one of those railroad modelling people. I finally, after several decades abscence, picked up a can of spray and primed one of my 70mm figures and laid in basic area washes. Carried away I have cut out the basic waterline outline of a Hog Islander cargo vessel in 1:48 scale despite many dire warnings that it just will not do for my railway. Additionally being intimidated by how much armour kits have changed ( it seems now one MUST have all the additional PE ) I acquired a plain old plastic kit delivery truck and will finally try all the techniques for rusting and wear and tear. So no I don't post my "work" here as in a very real sense I am a returning "newbie". Heck I just opened the plastic bag on the manual for my long ago purchased Unimat DB 200.
So for us new folk I hope this forum remains.
Cheers from the Heart of North America
From the Heart of the Continent

Ray Dunakin

I like that finished piece, Gordon. What scale is it? How did you do the trash cans?
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


I to would miss this Forum as I do check in everyday. I have not did to much modeling this year...have a few projects sitting around collecting DUST that I would like to finish ;) I moved to a new house this year and been busy with doing stuff on the new house....I have been putting together some bench-work this week on a On30 mining/logging railroad I been wanting to get started on for Years ??? now that I have a Basement now to build a Layout.  Hope the Forum stick's around.... ;D it would be a great loss if it didn't.   


Warning these writings are long-boring but I hope it is not too depressing.
First the excuses – I like several people on the forum have just moved house a long drawn out affair and totally out of my control just a load of legalised parasites leading us up the garden path! Still we are here now and getting the place how we want it – but the big but is "No Workshop" it's only weeks away now but thoroughly Peed off watched every Midsummer's Murders –Poirot and Colombo series and to end with several weeks of the Great British Bake Off
now I ask how sad can one get!!
The other great excuse is the total lack of inspiration at shows especially model railway shows when they advertise the very best of Narrow gauge railways or whatever – exhibition halls that are dull dingy sad places and the complete lack of trade selling all the "goodies" and bits and to top it all was told by "the expert" in air brush names "never heard of an air eraser – no such thing" all these things add up to one hell of a depressive state and not much encouragement to the modeller who wants to achieve something different.
I did wonder what's going on the forum is it me no one speaks any more where can I find inspiration and share thoughts from all over the world.
Since I joined the forum a few years back I can honestly say it's what gave me inspiration and a new way of looking at the hobby. You could say I was thrown in at the deep end and at the time not really into computers or things like the internet it was a new world to me so when I was told of this forum and told to look at some guy called Chuck Doan I remember the "informants" very words "think he has built some old tractor thing" Well need I say any more but I think it was the very -very deep end I was thrown into – how does he do it –is it a model? from then on I just wanted more it was all just inspiration "big time" some people I spoke to found the forum to be intimidating and have given in – but I still get enjoyment from finding out how modellers achieve these fine scale models of art even now I still end up having two or three  attempts to get things right the bin is always full.I often spend hours on a small part only to bin it after the next morning's viewing.
So all you guys and girls out there just keep it coming don't despair –don't feel intimidated just have a go and enjoy the hobby – in my mind I don't care if it never gets finished or you are a freelance non prototype person  but just keep sharing your ideas and your methods of building miniature works of art.
Humbrol Enamel Rules


Yup!!  You were right Marty!!!

Can't believe how everyday life gets in the way of modeling.

I think everyone was waiting for Sir Nick to come forth with his newest project.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Barney, we've all suffered from too little inspiration this year. Some of the guys have done terrific work on small projects but I guess most of us, including me, have stayed away from the modeling bench. As we approach shorter and cooler days I suspect many of us will spend more time building.

Thanks to each of you who has written something on this thread to help me understand what's going on. To those who haven't yet, including Marc and Nick, GO STAND IN THE CORNER!


Juke Joint

Russ, This is a great forum. Lots of folks including me think this place is rough as critiques are cut and dryed in your face candid. If modelers want to spend a zillion hours planting grass in a one square inch area that is fine.  IMHO. the other forums seem production based blow by blow of what I'm doing. Hey I laid this track..see my nails or watch me put this kit together and this is all fine. Here we get it straight as most projects are started as a sketch. I do wish for more of the 48th scale projects.

Many who chimed in said facebook is a distractor. yeah...plus yardwork..honey do's..home repairs...life..and summer.... Soon the usage will increase! Keep your head up! ;D

I'd bet a dollar Marc and Nick are ankle deep in construction projects?
