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The Pony Mercantile

Started by Younger, November 05, 2008, 10:06:45 AM

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With both Chuck and Marty working on store structures, I thought I'd try one also. The inspiration was a photo of the Pony Mercantile. The sign on the original building looked like it was painted by an amateur. My first try at sign painting looks like it was painted by a drunken amateur. Oh well, it is what it is.


Welcome aboard Younger.
You should have been posting progress shots! <shame>
May be you should take your pictures in B&W, like the original?
That color is something, but who am I?
Besides Jim says its right and I know better than to argue with him!


I think Jim has been sniffing too many paint fumes with this recommendation....The construction is nice and clean, I also like the screen you used, as well as the added detail of the diagonal brace on the screen door...but man that color....just a bit to Haight Ashbury head shop for me.   ;) ;D

...and like Marty notes about posting photos.....why not some of your jig/method for doing the clapboard?....we don't call you "Mr. Jigs" for nothing. ;) ;D

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Beautiful construction, as usual, Jerry. Is it too late to modify the colors? -- Russ


Sorry about the resistance to the colors. In black and white the color values look about right. Because I don't like the sign, I may try it again with more subdued colors. We'll see. Here is a  progress pic, showing the simple wall jig. Marc, no clapboard on this structure, just boards laid flat.


After being beat up on the color choices, and not liking the sign, I chose new colors (orange and burnt orange, with green lettering. I chose them and Jim approved these colors (sounds like a political ad). Here are a couple of progress pics, the front wall and sign are not complete yet.


It's getting there. Have you considered giving all parts a wash of some shade of weathered gray or tan/brown? Maybe both? The colors seem a little more vibrant or saturated than they would were you to be looking at an actual building. Maybe Chuck, Marc, or somebody else could help with specifics. Remember, direct sunlight or even incandescent light will tend to impart some perceived saturation so the model coloration has to be a little understated. -- Russ



I found a little more information on your mercantile building. The original photo was taken by Arthur Rothstein in 1939 and appears in his book, The American West in the thirties. The building was located in Pony Montana. Notice the Montana liquor sign on the window.

It was great to see you again, take care.

Travis in Mesa


Thanks, Travis, I'll follow that lead and see what else I can find out.


Cool building... looking forward to the build....I really like the old gas pump! and the shell one piece milk glass globe. The gas pump looks like a common Wayne 10 gallon 615 wayne sold a ton of them. and the curb sign? cant make it out on what logo is on it??      Craig    Mich