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New book by Emmanuel Nouaillier "Perfekt bis ins Detail"

Started by BKLN, July 29, 2014, 05:56:36 AM

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I just received a long awaited book on 1/87 scratch building. Some of you might be familiar with Emmanuel Nouaillier's work. He published a couple of excellent articles in European model magazines and this is essentially a compilation of those articles.

Nouaillier shows some impressive scratch building, all in step by step instructions, dedicated to separate topics, such as bricks, concrete, corrugated metal and so on. His subjects to be a little dreamy or romantic, but he really nails the mood of old industrial quarters.
Unlike some other recent weathering publications, this is not a sales pitch for some "ultimate" new paint or wash or pigment. He works in a very classical way of scratchbuilding, using different kinds of foam board and styrene. His excellent painting is (sometime a little too) dramatic, but as I said, he really captures the vibe.

Here is the problem with this book. It's in German and with international shipping it comes in at about $50. However, the excellent step by step pictures are easy to understand. I have been waiting for this book for a long time and I don't regret this purchase at all. I think this will become a standard in any good modeling library.


Must... resist... buying.. book...
Aw, what the heck, who am I fooling? Order placed with Amazon.de.
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past

Mr Potato Head

Do you know? is there an English version slated for the second edition?
Gil Flores
In exile in Boise Idaho


The publisher is German, so I am doubtful that they would invest in a English translation. Ironically, Monsieur Nouaillier is French, so the whole thing had to get translated from French to German already. But there might be a chance that "Military Modeling Magazine would publish an English version, since they have been releasing his articles as well.

While I sat last night with a class of whiskey to review, I couldn't decide if this thing is considered a coffee table book or a work reference. I guess it's both.


There is a list of his English articles in this forum:


I am pretty sure the content is identical.


If you subscribe to the digital version of Continental Modeller, they give you access to about 3 years of past issues.

I am sure almost all of the content of this book is available there in English.

You can subscribe to a 3 month subscription for $15 and then you can download all the articles.
Darryl Huffman
The search for someone else to blame is always succcessful.

shropshire lad

I have been collecting his articles for probably about ten years and I reckon I must have over 30 by now . The majority have been published in Military Modeller and Continental Modeller , often in the same month . I am sure he has his articles published in magazines all over Europe and it wouldn't surprise me if he derived quite a bit of his income from them , as each one must take some time to prepare . Though I'm sure they are repeated in different magazines in different countries .

  The fact that the book has been published only in German so far does not rule out the possibility that it could be translated into English , because there would be a significantly bigger market for the book if it were available in English . I'm sure it is not beyond the capabilities of the publisher to get the text translated into English if they thought that there was a market for it . After all they are half way there as all of the pictures are in English already !

  This is certainly one book that is long overdue , no matter which language it is in . Though I will hold off buying it until it does become available in English .


Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



don't worry Nick,

after a couple of stiff drinks, the German text will be perfectly clear in any case.

the book is worth it for the images alone, particularly when read alongside the articles that have been published over the past few years.

have fun & stay cool


Just received my copy.
In my opinion this is an excellent book. It´s a hardcover book with great printing on excellent paper.

A lot of "recipes" for painting. For an european it is a bonus that he mostly uses Humbrol colors and lists their color codes.
For some reason, a lot of modeling books fails to do this.

I can not think of a better motivation for trying to improve my very rudimentary skills in the German language!
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past


On a side note, I just received my "Weathering Magazine - Vietnam" issue. And I am not sure how to properly express my disappointment. I don't think I will continue my subscription.

I have tolerated those fake hookers for every issue, but the children-book style "go find Sponge-Bob" cartoon pushed me over the edge. This crap is a disgrace to all soldiers and civilians, regardless who's side they were on. The glossy paper and overuse of Photoshop cannot hide the shallow and immature content any longer.

(and don't get me wrong, I DO LIKE bikini girls, but this is just too much)



Personally, I am more than willing to sacrifice content, quality, substance, and almost anything else for the right bikini girl. But, of course, I am corrupt and disgusting as you all know far too well. -- Russ