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Carter Bros. Combo boxcar

Started by lab-dad, July 26, 2015, 01:47:51 PM

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Ray Dunakin

Looks great. BTW, I like the way you lit it for the photo.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Quote from: Ray Dunakin on October 14, 2015, 06:40:52 PM
Looks great. BTW, I like the way you lit it for the photo.


ditto in either case. According to the outer appearance: Are you going to add some more weathering to the inside planking? For my cornerish nitpicker taste it looks a bit to clean and to bright brownish.

I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"

michael mott

Marty I like the way the inside looks , I also think the doors look great, what catches my eye though and it shouldn't is the top rail over the doors, there seems to be a piano key type rhythm to the weathering, and yes pretty much a nitpick, it just feels a linttle  ;)  incongruous with all the rest.



Thanks guys.
As far as the general weathering goes I am getting there...
I do not want to overdo the weathering so I am sneaking up on it.
The interior (IMO) is pretty close.
I am using a picture taken in 1938 of a 1890's car for reference which is my timeframe.
The bright LED light tends to make it brighter than it really is but I wanted to show it off.
I am not sure how I will light/expose it when finished as it looks good in person but not once exposed.
Hopefully some arts~fartsy moody shots?
Likely outdoors with a good lens and some adjusting it will be better than the cellphone "snappy".

The top track bothers me too Michael but I do appreciate the input.
I will get it.
I like to post as I go not just "one and done" so others can get motivated and I can get valuable insight.

I'm glad I have you guys watching over my shoulder!




Some hardware and I worked on the upper guide.

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Quote from: lab-dad on October 18, 2015, 04:21:17 PM


maybe you may omit the stains at the upper guide at all. At the lower one they result from grease and maybe rust because there are the wheels running on top of it, but there is no item like that on the upper one?

I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


That lighting seems to give a more accurate impression of the finish. To my eye the hardware looks fine and you're getting very close to finished with that side. Adequate. -- Russ

michael mott

Marty that looks so much better, great in fact, I am curious about the two different types of door. Will the opposite side have the same arrangement and was it built this way to accommodate different loads. The open type door for a live load and the closed type for dry goods?



Quotemaybe you may omit the stains at the upper guide at all. At the lower one they result from grease and maybe rust because there are the wheels running on top of it, but there is no item like that on the upper one?

Your right Volker but I was thinking the rain running off the roof would deteriorate the paint some and cause some rust?
May be just a little more paint?

QuoteI am curious about the two different types of door.

Michael, thats why it is called a "combination car" - able to carry all types of loads.
I dont think I will have more than one boxcar so having one for all made sense.
I also just plain liked the combo car and the Carter Brothers were an interesting bunch!

Thanks for the critique guys, on to the other side!




Took some time and several failed attempts but the top layer of roof is on.
I'm looking forward to getting the roofwalk on and the brake wheel.


Nice coloring and weathering.  Great job Martin.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



michael mott

Just looks great overall Marty
