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Carter Bros. Combo boxcar

Started by lab-dad, July 26, 2015, 01:47:51 PM

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Bill Gill

Marty, you gave Volker an "award" with his drafting table, and your boxcar gets an "A" for its B end:)


I am calling this one DONE; unless someone finds a disgusting error I can actually fix......
Four months? Hunh that was fast!

Thanks for all the praise, critique and encouragement.
It sure was a fun project!

Bill Gill

Really good inside & out. Nice work, Marty.


Eric Zabilka
Lexington, Kentucky

Chuck Doan

That came out really nice Marty! Makes me want to make something for my loco to pull.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World



Beautiful work Marty. The fourth pic is my favourite. I love the lock and the handles of the door.
Kind Regards

Modelling in sunny South Africa


Excellent work young Martin.

I guess the walls are next so you can keep it out of the rain!!!  ::)

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

michael mott

Very well done Marty you must be pleased, I know I would be.



Great job Marty...I haven't chimed in on the forum in a while, my life has taken a turn for the busy, but this deserves a "well done!"



That is a beautiful piece of work, Marty.  Best of all, I've learned a few things while following your progress.  Thanks for that.

Bill Martinsen


Thanks guys!
Yes I am VERY happy.
I am glad someone learned something other than me! ;)
May be I should do a PDF?



Marty, nice job on this project! I also enjoyed the sbs.

Gordon Birrell


Allan G

Wow! Looks great and the inside is ready for loading....Allan