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Bits, Pieces, & Clutter

Started by marc_reusser, October 17, 2009, 05:33:24 PM

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Chuck Doan

Those are great mixers Gordon and Rick. Love the hit n miss power plants. Master Creations used to make a nice large HO one that worked well in O too.

Marc, those markers look very good. So do the veggies.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Thanks guys. Nick initially inspired me with his photo dio and brick buildings, and it was a dio SBS on the MIG forum by Gunnar Baumer ( http://www.migproductionsforums.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=7963&start=60 ), that fiunally got me off my ass and motivated to, start playing around with some scenery.

QuoteI think that there is an article , or two, on the sourcing and use of these newish materials , but finding the right publication to present it to is the problem . I have already started thinking about such an article but until I can find somewhere to publish it there is not much point starting it ,


Yeah...unfortunately I don't know anyone that publishes a mag, that has readers that would be interested in how to do scenery. Seeing that there are a number of guys here that do some really great scenery work, I definitely think that there would be enough material to do a couple of compendium technique/materials articles....or even small focused sidebars.

Nick, that actually leads to an interesting point...I know you started/posted a list of suppliers and materials you use...and seeing that there is a growing contingent of 1/35 here (other scales would benefit equally)...would you think it worthwhile to create a sticky thread in the Dioramas section containing informationa and lists of scenery materials and supplies...along with pics of each?  Could do the same re. 1/35 Civilan figure and details. I know it might border on "free advertising" for the mfrs...so Russ would need to approve it...but it seems that questions re. these two subjects come up repeatedly....and it might be good to try and create a more compiled reference location.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

There's a thread called "Fine-scale leaves, plants, vegetation (scenic / scenery supplies)" here:

Starts with a compilation of links that Nick & I had posted previously ... then, of course, wanders on and off topic ...

Likewise, I started a thread for 1/35 civilian figures ... and anyone is free to add links there ... or we could just create "reference" threads for links, etc, only.  IIRC, Nick, Philip, Ray and others had added links in that thread:

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Dallas, thanks for that...sorry forgot about them....If it's okay with russ I will make the threads stickies and then go through and try to clean them up and purge any "wanderings".

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

Marc --

In that regard:
-- The "scenery" thread was intended as a REFERENCE / LINKS thread ... so a bit of clean-up there should do the trick.
-- The "figures" thread goes into customizing figures and such, and I'd like to keep that option for future posts ... (getting back to some figure work now)
-- So, I'd be happy to start a new REFERENCE thread for 1/35 Civilian Figures by sorting out what's already there into a more "pure" reference format ... including links that others have already posted, then we can include all the relevant stuff like Hornet heads, etc.  (Well, actually, I'd be happy to do that after April 15th, as I have some other "filing" work to do!)  ;)


-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com



I just went through your civilian thread, and I agree...it should be left as is  and a new/seperate one started...no worries, I will take care of it onc it's OK w/ O-ssuR-ly one.  I think that wherever possible not only a linkj should be included, but a pic or a hotlinked image. The problem with links and linked pics is that they change....or dissapear...thus killing the usefulness of the post.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



I would publish a scenery article like that in a heartbeat. If you want to do it we'll devote as many pages of a Modelers' Annual as necessary.

I also would happily spend two hours to achieve results as good as yours even if it were only for one square foot of a six or eight foot diorama/layout.


Malachi Constant

Hmm ... I do find it "curious" that Marc is showing an interest in 1/35 figures ...  ???

Meanwhile, updated that reference thread with a lot more figure references ... I have a TON of notes on civilian details, furnishings, bits-n-pieces, etc ... but it will be a while before I can organize those.

Meanwhile, thanks for getting it started!   (Can't litter the "reference" thread with these remarks, so I'll leave the litter here.)  ;)

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

shropshire lad

Quote from: finescalerr on April 02, 2011, 01:37:53 AM
I would publish a scenery article like that in a heartbeat. If you want to do it we'll devote as many pages of a Modelers' Annual as necessary


  Cripes , I'd forgotten about your publication , it is so long since I've seen one . Aren't you due to have a new one out soon ?


shropshire lad

I would see any article on this subject as a collaborative effort using photos of work done by a number of different modellers who are happy to have them used .However , not necessarily contributing to the text if they don't wish to . I am thinking particularly of Per Olav who has done a number of rather splendid dioramas which have appearred on this Forum ,where the scenery plays a particularly important role .

   I have done my bit by supplying a number of websites ! ...What ? You want me to do more ? Like build a specially commissioned diorama showing some these products to good effect ? 


Gordon Ferguson

Couple of shots of, what I was going to say is the finished construction, but now that I seen the photos at this size think there may well be some rebuilding required.

Suppose like most of us I end up happy with about 70% odd of any model and while there is a lot I can live with think I'm going to have another go at the gear teeth both on the tilting mechanism and on the drum itself. The cogs/teeth for the drive mechanism might well have to be hidden by the ubiquitous tarpaulin, there is absolutely nothing wrong with them ..... they come from Dave's really useful laser cut parts as does the centre of the end drive wheel but on this model don't think I have used them properly.

And in case anybody goes back to look at the photos of the real one yes I am chickening out of trying to build a 1/35 scale chain.For a very brief moment did consider asking Dave if he could cut the side plates so I could build up the chain link by link. However I have already sent 3 or 4  requests to him, which he both speedily and patiently sorted out for me for which I have not yet done the artwork and I decided I wanted to keep a little of my sanity.


As a casual observer, I really find nothing at all disturbing about your model. Only were somebody to study it in comparison to a photo of the full size item might they notice any difference and, even then, I doubt most would care. I certainly don't.

Step back for a few days; you may find the model much more satisfactory than you do right now. (Especially after you complete the finish.)



I love it, the choice of subject matter was inspired, too.    And always great to see my parts turning up in applications I never would have imagined, like this.   Did you glue two gears back to back to build up the thickness?   



I like it, but what the heck do I know?
All these little odd pieces really make a scene, too many models I see all have the same pieces and parts.
It just needs some attention of weathering (which would actually look like lack of attention!)
Looking forward to the chipped finish and dried cement!

Dave, some frets of pairs or triples of some gears would be cool! (yea I know just order three! ;D)

Ray Dunakin

It looks darn good to me. I don't see anything in the areas you mentioned, that needs changing.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World