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Santa Brought Me A Laser

Started by finescalerr, December 29, 2021, 11:57:45 AM

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WP Rayner

That's entirely acceptable Russ. Sounds like you're planning to show it as a skiff under construction. Are you planning to add lumber and tools laying about, perhaps a figure scratching his head?


Bernhard, I agree with you and am embarrassed to admit I shot the third photo with my iPhone and the other two with my expensive SLR.

Paul, I don't have any tool castings but, yes, I am planning to add some lumber and maybe a couple of rags to the scene. Were I to include a figure scratching his head, that would be me trying to get rid of my termites.




Why do you still need your SLR camera when the iPhone does everything so well?
Lately I have been tending more and more to using a mobile phone as a camera ;-)


Bill Gill

Russ, Talk about head scratching, I've been trying to find a link I saw awhile ago to a woman who provides laser services to artists. I think you'd find what she does very interesting and useful. Examples showed very delicate papercutting, taking just the dye layer off of cloth, engraving aluminum and cutting cast (not extruded) acrylic among other things.


Frithjof, the camera in my iPhone 7 was very good. I did not like the changes to the camera in the iPhone X and thought it a step down overall. At Christmas we bought the iPhone 13 and its camera is outstanding. It did not shoot accurate color of my little boat indoors, under a lamp. Outdoors it is fantastic.

Bill, my skill with a laser is rudimentary. I would waste a lot of paper to become more proficient.



Great thread, Russ.

I am sure you have already a long to-do list for the laser.

Do your wife knows she will get soon a model of the PONDEROSA for a 3D printer?  :D


B.t.w.: Sorry, Magoo discovered your answer with the link just a moment ago!!!


Hi Russ.
Great to join in with the other unwashed rabel that seem to populate this site.
all the best Kim