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1:35th Wilford power shovel B

Started by Bernhard, December 28, 2021, 07:18:45 AM

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Just perfect miniature engineering  - well thought out and absolute prototype - we can only hope that one of the kit companies will make a decent Fordson tractor  in plastic - perhaps one day
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Where else can we find modeling to this degree of perfection? Exquisite. -- Russ

Ray Dunakin

Magnificent! Such fine, precision work!
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

WP Rayner

Exquisite indeed... the force is strong with this one!


Thank you for your interest and comments.

Now we continue with the assembly of the power shovel.
The first step is to attach the control levers for the track units.


Then the belt brakes are attached, and the bottom section of the Fordson tractor is inserted into the frame for the first time.


The crawler tracks are pre-assembled, ...


... and the frame put on it for a test.


A few operating elements for the tractor still need to be made ...


... and then mounted.


On the turntable, first the bearing blocks ...


... and then the entire drive mechanism for the shovel are built.


Then the turntable can be mounted on the frame. It can be rotated and the pinion correctly engages the sprocket.


The winches for lifting the bucket and boom adjustment are installed in the mast.


The main boom is completed.