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Hulett Ore Unloader in 1:32th

Started by Bernhard, February 08, 2023, 08:20:58 AM

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The metal sheets are thoroughly washed to remove any soldering fluid residue before further assembly.
Now everything is ready to assemble the first girder.

Hulett 0331.JPG

First all the braces are inserted, ...

Hulett 0332.JPG

... then the box is closed.

Hulett 0333.JPG

Hulett 0334.JPG

Now all parts can be soldered together. This is not easy in places inside the girder, because it is difficult to get in with the electrode of the resistance soldering device.


But after six and a half hours, it's finally done.

Hulett 0335.JPG

Hulett 0336.JPG

Hulett 0337.JPG

The first girder lies on the towers for a test. And my employee of the month, despite his fear of heights, stood on top of it to show you the proportions.
The figures are impressive:
Height of the feet: prototype 6336 mm (20.8 '), model 198 mm (7.8 '').
Height of the carrier: prototype 2440 mm (8'), model 76 mm (3').
Length of the girder with the rear cantilever: prototype 40870 mm (134 '), model 1277 mm (4.2 ').


But the girder is far from finished. Next, I have to attach various trusses. To do this, I cut two soldering jigs into a Resopal panel.

Hulett 0338.JPG

Fitting the gusset plates with rivets, ...

Hulett 0339.JPG

... and the first trusses can be soldered.

Hulett 0340.JPG

As you can see from the part on the right, I always mill the soldering jigs so that I can solder a left and a right version in the same jig.

Hulett 0341.JPG


The next soldering jig is a little more complex. It is intended for the trusses on the outside of the cantilever and is half a meter long. It is also prepared so that I can solder a left and a right version.

Hulett 0342.JPG

Hulett 0343.JPG

But before I can start soldering, I first have to fit countless gusset plates and angles with embossed rivets.



This gets more and more dizzying...   :o
But your work space is not bad either!
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" -Leonardo Da Vinci-



So tell us, Bernhard, what did you do over your Thanksgiving vacation?

The size and complexity of those girders and supports are overwhelming, yet every detail is virtually perfect. This is an adequate project.


Bill Gill

Bernhard, I showed a retired machinist/engineer friend parts of this thread and he was amazed at your work and envious of some of your equipment. 

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Always impressive and gets ever more so as your work continues!



Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Stunning. I feel a little jump for joy every time I see an update to this fantastic project.
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past


Hi Bernard,
Amazing project -on a scale of 1/32.
Tell me what is the estimated finished size?

Bill Gill

Bernhard, I am late replying, but like Hauk said, I enjoying seeing your updates on this fantastic project. (Any guess about how many rivets you have added so far  ;D


Thank you all for your interest and comments.
Kim, the length of the machine will be 1800 mm when the trolley is all the way forward. The height is 670 mm when the walking beam is horizontal. When it is swung all the way up, the height is 825 mm. The width is 320 mm.
