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"The Wizard"

Started by lab-dad, May 22, 2013, 04:51:58 PM

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michael mott

Checking in, the crank looks terrific. Marty you mention a radius in the corner, I see there is a small projection there as well why does the shape not just transition with the radius fillet?


jim s-w

Quote from: lab-dad on June 18, 2013, 05:09:45 AM
I am hoping to power this with an electric motor.
See here;https://slatersplastikard.com/linePage.php?code=GBG3
The whole design is a "work in progress" since it really has not been done like I am doing and in 1/16.

Hi Marty

You might find something a bit more suitable (and compact) from here http://www.highlevelkits.co.uk/

Click on gearboxes and there's a gearbox planner, I think most high level gearboxes are designed for mashima motors but it will depend on how much power you are going to need.


Jim Smith-Wright

NE Brownstone

I think we should start calling Marty, Mr. Wizard.

Really, I feel like Tooter Turtle every time I open one of his build threads.  And I was a machinist at one time in my life.  Awsume skills dood!
The other, other Russ


That is some impressive work Marty. The machine tools look dead-on real.

What a second.... How do we know that is not a real life size machine shop and steam engine, and that you are actually a giant?

Aha! Busted!!  8)
Regards, James                        Modeling in 1:48 after a lengthy bout of Scalatosis Indecisivis


Nice work Marty, your building this faster than the one I did in styrene.

Gordon Birrell



Thanks guys!

The little projections are just me being artsy~fartsy

Thanks for the link, I think those might be a little too small.
The one I ordered is somewhere between Devon-shire & Florida.......

That name is already taken, see first post.

Not really it just feels like it when your watching & not building it!

Thanks again,

NE Brownstone

Marty, You're still a wizard of your own making.  Who said there can only be one?
The other, other Russ

michael mott

The little projections are just me being artsy~fartsy

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Marty that is a brilliant response! It brings to mind that we are all being as creative as we can be. Because to be Human is to be creative, that is our nature.
and thanks for your kind words on my humble boat build.



My weekly progress shot

The motor arrived from Devonshire!
Amazing it was like it was made to order for my Shay!
It did take some time fitting & fabricating but it lined up with my engines crankshaft perfectly. I must admit i was worried, it looked too good on paper.
Also wondered if i could get all the pieces of the crank soldered together!
I still need to remove the excess main shaft between the throws.
I can not wait to see her go!

Now it is on to completing the drive shafts.
Does anyone have or have access to some 3/16" square brass rod?
I only need about 6 or 8" and no one locally has it.
Yes i could order from Special Shapes but ordering a whole length (36") plus shipping is a little silly. Just hoping someone has a better LHS than I do........
I''ll pay for it!



Nice real nice Mr. Jones.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin



How are you transferring power from the vertical motor shaft to the horizontal engine shaft?

Malachi Constant

Quote from: lab-dad on June 24, 2013, 11:34:27 AM
Does anyone have or have access to some 3/16" square brass rod?
I only need about 6 or 8" and no one locally has it.
Yes i could order from Special Shapes but ordering a whole length (36") plus shipping is a little silly. Just hoping someone has a better LHS than I do........

Okay, everybody check their odds-n-ends!  (My K&S scrap bag had none -- I do have a 12" length of K&S 5/32" brass tube with (stated) .014" wall thickness.  Too small?  Close enough?  -- Dallas
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Satisfactory progress, young Martin. -- Russ


I should have taken a shot from under whilst in the pit! (I will once the motor is mounted)
The motor I received has a series of gears (30:1) and the final drive gear meshes with a gear on the crank.
You can see the driven gear on the crank peeking down under the center main bearing.
I still need to add a fake cap for that middle main.

I need square rod (not tube), 3/16 x 3/16
Looks like I may have to order a lifetime supply.... >:(



Sorry Marty I don't have any brass sq in that size...be sure and get the orientation of the rods to the u joints correct! One of the back issues of Finescale RR or maybe it was one of the annuals had an article on this...I think the author was Galgerud(sp?) who had the series on scratchbuilding a loco.


on edit, I found this which gives the issue. Hopefully Russ will forgive the source of this info ;)