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Locomotive Carrying Case

Started by WP Rayner, September 28, 2021, 06:57:28 AM

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WP Rayner

Came across these small grainy snapshots while digging through my photo archive recently. Not at all happy with the quality of the images, but thought I'd share them anyway.  Back in the early 1990s, I built three of these locomotive carrying cases for some of my custom-finishing clients, specifically for Kodama On3 K-27 locos. Carcass of the box itself is 1/2" Birch Play with Maple edging, veneered in Curly Maple, then trimmed in Purpleheart. Brass hardware is all hidden. The cradle for the locomotive that fits into the box is made from Purpleheart. Foam was applied to both sides of the cradle, as well as top and bottom of the case. Grooves were cut into the base of the cradle at On3 gauge for the loco wheelsets. The case made it possible to transport the model without damaging finish details, something that often happened when stuffing the model into its original box.




Not bad, Paul. I remember visiting you back then but, as I recall, all I saw was an On2 layout and maybe a scratchbuilt locomotive. No gorgeous wood cases were on display. -- Russ

WP Rayner

Thanks Russ. I made these when I was still in Maryland, prior to moving to California. If I remember correctly, you came up to Lompoc and visited with Richard and me... seems like ancient history doesn't it.

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

WP Rayner



Hi Paul.
Yes but the way the wood is milled really sets it apart.

Bill Gill

A beautiful case!
Your purpleheart trim reminded me of a project I did using a tiny piece of purple heart. I posted it here to not detract from your thread: