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Hinges for a Diema DL8 (field railway locomotive) - scale 1:10

Started by fspg2, September 16, 2021, 08:43:37 AM

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Some time ago I reported about the milled hinges for the cover of the Kemna Gigant 8 roller (last post on this side).

Today I'll show another solution - the hinge straps for the three different flaps of a Diema DL8.

The upper flap was milled out of 0.4mm nickel silver sheet. One of the long edges was rounded off with a 1.2mm radius cutter.
So, the 1.2mm brass tube has more contact surface when soldering and will certainly hold more stable than just a 90 ° corner.

1_2mm_Roehrchen_01 (fspg2)

the upper surface:
1_2mm_Roehrchen_03 (fspg2)

and the lower side:
1_2mm_Roehrchen_04 (fspg2)

1_2mm_Roehrchen_05 (fspg2)

Scharnier_01 (fspg2)

The laterally protruding ends of the brass tube were cut off on the Böhler circular saw with a 0.3mm saw blade. A 1.0mm brass wire inside the tube provided a clean edge.

Scharnier_22 (fspg2)

Two templates were milled from HPL for each flap.
One side was also indented with the radius cutter so that the flap and the tube were securely held in the "sandwich package".
The package was mounted vertically in a small vice on the CNC router. A 2.0 x 2.0 mm square rod served as a stop (red bar in the sketch above).

Scharnier_02 (fspg2)

Scharnier_03 (fspg2)

Scharnier_04 (fspg2)

Both the movable flap and the fixed counterpart were processed one after the other in appropriately adapted templates.
The tubes were milled free in several 0.1 mm layers with a 1.2 mm milling cutter.

Scharnier_05 (fspg2)

Scharnier_06 (fspg2)

Scharnier_07 (fspg2)

Scharnier_08 (fspg2)

Das Blech mit den Löchern wurde anschließend auf der Blechschneidemaschine auf die endgültige Breite gebracht.

Scharnier_09 (fspg2)

After the first hinge was successfully processed in front of me, it went to the two already etched sheets for the side and front flaps.

Scharnier_10 (fspg2)

Scharnier_11 (fspg2)

Scharnier_12 (fspg2)

Scharnier_13 (fspg2)

Scharnier_14 (fspg2)

Scharnier_15 (fspg2)

On the following picture you can see that the HPL stencils have corresponding millings on both long sides, so by turning the stencils I was able to provide both the movable flap and the fixed part with the respective adapted recesses.

Scharnier_17 (fspg2)

Scharnier_16 (fspg2)

Here both the upper nickel silver sheet and the flap with the hinge are only loosely placed.

Scharnier_18 (fspg2)

Scharnier_19 (fspg2)

Scharnier_20 (fspg2)

Scharnier_21 (fspg2)

Scharnier_23 (fspg2)

Scharnier_24 (fspg2)


Terrific! I definitely want to hire you to build my next locomotive! -- Russ


Good Morning Frithjof.
As always it is always a pleasure to see your miniatures.
cheers Kim

Ray Dunakin

As always, I am in awe of your highly precise work!

Were you ever employed as a tool and die maker?
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Speaking of hiring...we would hire you in an heartbeat at the physics instrument shop where I work! Just superb work!

Bill Gill

Oh my goodness! Not only did you fabricate fantastic hinges, but you fully photographed and documented every step!


Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

WP Rayner

Outstanding work as always.  :o :o Your metal-working and machining skills are exceptional.


What outstanding work. You are a micro metal machinist extortioner.

New York, Vermont & Northern Rwy. - Route of the Black Diamonds