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Sternwheel engines

Started by Les Tindall, July 04, 2021, 07:22:26 AM

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Nice progress. The diesel engine and generator look good.


Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Les Tindall

Its been a while and Daniels item on dredgers reminded me... so SLOW progress on the sternwheel work boat. (its been too hot to model!) The workshop interior has been completed (situated between the engines) and roof put on. There will be a layer of "tar-paper" to be added on the roof (180 or 240 grit sandpaper). The wheel-house and captains cabin are being worked on at the moment, interior detail to be added. The windows are real glass (microscope slide cover glass) with styrene window "panes". Some time ago I started the Ruston grab bucket dredger to go on the front of the boat and have just loosely positioned it for one of the photos.


It is shaping up to be a very attractive and adequate model. -- Russ


Amazing its getting more atmospheric by the day and its unusual ! every part seems to blend in together nothing looks out of place
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Well done, Les. Workshop and machine look very realistic.


Les Tindall

Still "plodding on". Interior detail added, bits and pieces added, the row-boat is a 3d resin print from a company in the UK called Battlecrafts. The lifebelts and searchlight also came from them. I replaced the resin seats on the row-boat with wooden ones and am carving some oars as a relaxing evening project while sipping a glass of wine (or two!).  Next stage is more detail on the deck (pumps, hoses, etc) then finally the Ruston dredging crane at the bow.

Bill Gill

Nice to see this steamboat again. It's looking good.


The skiff adds to the overall charisma. Satisfactory. -- Russ

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Very Nice - Looks a dodgy place to work !
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson

Les Tindall

No "health and safety" here! The skiff will be placed on davits and hung off the front of the wheelhouse, a usual place looking at old photos. My usual supplier (Cornwall Model Boats) have just got some shackles/sheaves in according to their website along with some stranded wire for the tensioning cables that prevent the boat bowing. They go over the posts sticking up from the top deck. As sort of inverted railroad coach tensioner.

Les Tindall

The Skiff has been moved onto davits in front of the wheelhouse, as per a number of old photos of paddlers, and a winch added, thank to Barney for donating that. Next step is add bracing, just received some nice .08mm braided wire for that.


That assembly looks quite good! And so does Barney's winch.
I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


Volker just wrote what I was going to write. -- Russ