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Beaudesert Shire Tamway, Foden 4-2-0 locomotive 1/16 scale.

Started by Scratchman, November 17, 2015, 07:58:45 AM

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Beaudesert Shire Tamway, Foden 4-2-0 locomotive 1:16 scale.

To see a little more on the Foden and the drawings I'm using ...Google Foden Steam Wagons drawings...Click on images for Foden Steam Wagon. The drawings are down about nine rows. I'm looking for detail  for the boiler and engine, but most of what I'm finding is scale live steam models. I will make the locomotive frame, roof, water and fuel bunkers my own design.

Here's the photo that got me thinking
img]img src="https://farm8.staticflickr.com/7006/6713124253_663a3e60c6_z.jpg[/img]

Gordon Birrell



That will be a good one, Gordon. Glad you're looking for a new project. -- Russ

michael mott

Allan G

As always, I'm looking forward to seeing one of your projects unfold....... Allan


Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Ray Dunakin

What an interesting little loco! Great choice for a model -- looking forward to watching your progress.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Here's a photo of the start of the locomotive I took back in November. The small table was added at the start of the cold weather season, to replace the table that is in front of the fire place. I can't wait until I don't need the fire place and I can put back up the fire place table. The locomotive is coming along nicely, and I will take and post photos before painting. 

Gordon Birrell



Nice start and setup Gordon, looking forward to watch the build. I'm wondering though if that block and tackle is heavy enough to handle the project.
Bill Hudson
Fall down nine times,
get up ten.


I'm glad you are working on it. You have been goofing off lately. (I should talk!) -- Russ

Chuck Doan

Always glad to see some Progress. Is that a Unimat back there?
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Here's six photos showing the work before I start painting. I will remove the roof support system from the frame and finish and paint the different parts before I do the final assembly. Parts... Frame and Wheels, Water tank, Boiler and Engine, Roof Support, and Roof. I'm using corrugated paper from Russ Simpson for the roofing.

The wheel bodies are an 0.040-inch thick styrene disk. The treads are slices of Plastruct tubing. The gears, sprockets and chain are from Serv-O-Link. All of the Serv-O-Link gears are solid so on my large gear I carved out the space between the spokes. The gear for the water pump are old clock parts from my scrap box.  The boiler core is plastruct tubing with a wood firebox covered with styrene sheet. The water tank also has a wood core covered with styrene sheet. The frame and roof are made from wood The roof support is made from square styrene tubing reinforced with brass tubing. Most of the brass castings are from Trackside Details,and most of the soft-metal castings are from Ozark Miniatures.

Chuck, that is a Unimat SL 1000.

Gordon Birrell


Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Gordon - amazing work, as always. How will you paint those tiny plastic strips already mounted on the wood frame?
You must have VERY steady hands, or are they removable?!
