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General store in O scale (learning exercise)

Started by lab-dad, October 19, 2008, 04:15:25 PM

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I'm done.
Time to move on.
I'm sure I will tweak some things as they bug me more, but for now that's it.
Also going to integrate it into the layout and build a step with some stairs for the back door.


Chuck Doan

Looks ready to occupy! Nice, I like how the bricks came out, and the awning dirt.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt




Like the brick work coloring is perfect.  Nice weathering on the awning.  Hope you post a picture after you put it on the layout so we can see it blended in with screnery.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Nicely done Marty... Subtlety of the coloring is excellent.



put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


I really like the pooled water/dirt effect you created on the top of the awning...very realistic/true to prototype....how did you create this?

Overall, nicely done. I like the wood finish/weathiring on all the parts around the windows/doors and the store front.

But being the critical ass that I am......A couple of things sort of bug me/stand out though:

The roof appears too black/dark and evenly finished, and the detailing at the edges...how it transitions to/finishes at the walls is too Tom Yorke-ish..and lacks reality (and it seem s to be one piec rather than individual strips). I don't care for the seams between the castings at the rear...I wish these had been filled with hydrocal and re-carved, also the brick color at those edges, and at the interior along the roof is too solid and harsh...it should be more like your other very nicely done brick finsh. lastly....I am confounded by the reason for the "clean-out" at the very bottom of the rain-water leader.

Nice photos BTW.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....




Thanks Marc,
Now I can get on with things.
A project is never done until I have your feedback.
The stains on the awning were done with powders and a narrow brush, I just applied them where I wanted them, slowly building the colors
The roof is tarpaper, strips, just doesnt show up well. ;D ;D ;D ;D
It needed to be removable so thats why the paper extends up at all the edges, no one will ever see it.
The brick is just what is is 'cause I am bored with the project! tired of working on it, once it's on the layout no one will ever see the back again.
The clean out is there because debris will always be on a roof, should the pipe clog, now there is a way to open the end and clean it!
(made sense to me!)  ???

I'm surprised though. You missed a couple things;
Hardware for the stovepipe brackets?
No "cap" on the stovepipe either?

You slipping buddy, too much time at the seashore  :'( :'(
Seriously though, thanks for the honest input, you know I value & appreciate it.

Thanks to everyone for the comments!

lucas gargoloff

Very nice to see it almost finish!! Now, you have to occupy teh building...
Lucas Gargoloff - Argentina