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How Many Of Us Are Working On A Project?

Started by finescalerr, February 04, 2023, 12:29:53 PM

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Bill, I've had no trouble at all with the CAD program. It's really terrific.

The time I spent on the computer was to prepare several components of the basic drawing as "mini-kits" and then, after a test cut, to adjust dimensions to account for the width of the laser beam or any other error. A single window, for example, requires a few minutes to revise and if one has an error, then all will. I also discovered discrepancies between the restored depot I photographed 32 years ago and early 20th century photos so I redrew those details to be historically correct. Get it?


Bill Gill

Thanks, Russ.  From time to time my son has thought about getting a laser, or maybe a CNC router. When you said you'd spent three times as much time on your CAD program as your laser I wondered if getting the two to communicate might take extra effort.

Your results, on the other hand, are looking really good. It looks like you've perfected cutting without leaving burned edges


In the case of my "amateur level" laser, CAD files, PDFs, and even JPEGs import perfectly. I've never had the slightest glitch. The CAD software itself, Q-CAD, cost about $40 (for total ownership, not a subscription) and outperforms my version of AutoCAD Lt in every way.

As I hope was apparent, I want my design to be as perfect as I can make it and that takes a lot of time. I have no skills as a professional draftsman, engineer, architect, or any other helpful discipline. It's all trial and error.


WP Rayner

Two projects here... work continues on the Victory. Lots of scroll saw work. Now have the deck areas rough-cut out in 13 of the 18 frames and 1 frame with the sides cut as well. Some of the cut frames are in the photo below. I chose to make all the long sweeping cuts first to avoid changing blades several times per frame. Once all the long cuts are made, I'll change to a finer blade and make all the curvy side cuts. Last cuts will be the notches for the longitudinal deck stringers. Won't cut those until I mill the stringers from Maple and finish faring the deck beams. Also made a modification to the throat plate in order to accommodate a different blade holder, adding a second hole and brass insert.


The main project right now though is a CG animation of a new, recently patented, chronometer escapement and watch for an independent watchmaker client. Below is a sample frame in "clay" from the escapement explode sequence. The entire animation is rendered in "clay" first as a pre-viz to test the motion and other elements prior to adding the appropriate materials and rendering the final.



Quote from: finescalerr on February 08, 2023, 12:25:33 PMBetween Bernhard and Frithjof, not to mention Helmut, Volker, Lawrence, and a few others, I think I'll go hide under a rock. -- Russ

Russ, I don't think anyone has to hide here, but I'm very happy when my work is so well received.

We continue on the Xrot R12 and many other projects at the same time, we have just constructed a chimney and placed it on the roof.

We work on the Xrot every week on Wednesdays, I support a model railway friend here.

The vent of the Xrot R12, 10 mm high and 15.6 mm diameter. THE chimney itself is made of a 0.5 mm brass sheet, rolled by hand around a round metal. The brim at the top is a milled 0.5 mm ring. The collar below is originally a 5 mm high brass ring. The ring was adapted to the roof shape by means of sandpaper glued to the roof. To adapt the upper shape, the sandpaper was glued into the roof inside. Since the ring also had to be rounded at the top, this was done in the lathe at a very slow speed with a file. Everything together was soldered to the roof with the flame in the proven way. For this purpose, a corresponding hole with a compass on the roof was torn first. A hole was drilled into the roof with a step drill and the rest was adjusted classically with a file after the crack.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

Rail and Tie

This little project gave me the most fun in the past months.  From a favorite movie "The Great Race" and a personal hero, Professor Fate!  1:87 scale

"Leonard, check it out. I've bought an N Gauge locomotive. Half the size of HO. Look...it fits in my mouth!"



Nice job. Looks like Moderna could use it to give COVID shots. -- Russ

Ray Dunakin

Quote from: Rail and Tie on February 17, 2023, 07:50:49 PMThis little project gave me the most fun in the past months.  From a favorite movie "The Great Race" and a personal hero, Professor Fate!  1:87 scale

I love it! What a fantastic replica of Prof. Fate's ill-fated rocket!

"Push the button, Max!"

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Chuck Doan

Spent some time re-visiting an old project, the  Epsom salts monorail loco. When I was planning it 12 years ago (!), I was going to use a die-cast Fordson. The top heavy weight of that tractor made a model problematic due to the spindly design of the prototype, so I set it aside. But now I can 3D print most of the tractor and weight will no longer be a factor. So, maybe it will go further up on my unfinished model list. Maybe.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



The overriding question is when you'll find time to build it. -- Russ

Gordon Ferguson

Quote from: shropshire lad on February 16, 2023, 12:06:12 AMI'm still working on my 1:1 project , with a bit of luck we'll move into it this year .

Nearly missed this joke


My main project after finishing the book has been looking for an atelier, which is quite difficult in our town, but there's a silver lining at the horizon. So my modeling work was rather virtual - I spent the last 4 or so weeks 3D-constructing a four axle boogie car (No. 31) of the Plettenberger Kleinbahn, more or less reverse engineering it from some pictures and very few measurements. This is what I got so far:

B/w picture taken by Reinhard Todt 1956, Wolf Dietrich Groote collection.

Please don't ask, when or how I'm going to build it, but I had fun constructing it  :D . Next project are the bogies.

I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


Quote from: shropshire lad on February 16, 2023, 12:06:12 AMI'm still working on my 1:1 project , with a bit of luck we'll move into it this year .

Now that's impressive!!!! ;)

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Yes, really impressive CAD work!
