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Chivers Refer, On30

Started by lab-dad, December 14, 2008, 05:26:30 PM

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Marc sent me this kit and last weekend I thought "What the heck, a quick build, I'll knock it together and use it on my clubs modular layout when we display"
So much for that idea......

So far the modifications include;
Widening the body 4".
Widening the roof 4".
Raising the body 2".
New end beams.
Filling the coupler cut outs.
Grand line end platform.
Drilling the 36 holes for the grab irons & NBW's
I also tried to scribe around the doors to make them look less "one piece"
The boards below the doors.
Changing to 4 wheels and rearranging the beams.

I'm hoping to post some "inspiration" pics, once I get an okay from Marc.
Brakes are in line and the strap below the bolsters too.
Also thinking of using a corrugated roof too.

Below is an inspiration pic from a Gregg car catalog, Thanks Marc!


Looks good so far, young Martin. Better sand, brush, or wash off the fuzz, though. I can make it out in the photo whereas it's probably not evident on the workbench. -- Russ


Oh I can see it on the workbench too! >:(
Damn plastic fuzzes worse than wood.
Dont worry, it will be gone soon..........
Can you say "air eraser"?
Marty "Fuzz-man"


So the air eraser is how you get rid of the fuzz! Does it work on wood, too? -- Russ


Never tried it! not sure.
I did procure a "new" tool for removing wood fuzz, I'll check it out and report.
May also try it on the styrene.


Well the new tool worked great at removing fuzz!


The new tool seems more common, less expensive, and perhaps less messy than the air eraser. How effective is it and where did you buy it? -- Russ


Very effective!!!!
Not to worry, your is on its way to you!


Here are the rest of the parts;
FMW brakes & levers
Grab irons (home made - aint it obvious)
Grandt line NBW's, brake bracket, buffer plates, brake wheel & steps.
New fab'd roof walk, end platforms and wood strips to hold down the corr roofing.
FWIW the wood strips are scale 1x2's (.020" x .040") with .013" holes on .550" centers.
And the straps for under the pedestals.

Boy I'm glad this is a kit, I'd hate to start from scratch!!!!!!!!!


Hi Marty,
Nice little rebuild going on their.  I've always liked the compact character of the chivers stuff.  One day I may get around to even picking some up for myself.  Look forward to seeing how it turns out.



Well here are the beginings of the weathered wood finish.
The technique was learned from an article by Emmanual Nouaillier in Continental modeler.
Sir Nick had sent me a copy of the article and the necessary Humbrol paints.
Thanks Nick, I (think) I like the enamels better than the oils, I am having some issues with the base coat of paint softening though....
The Humbrol enamels I used are 27, 28, 98, 119 & 147.
Step one;

Step two;
Wash of Vallejo black grey. Emmanuel uses straight black, I wanted a less harsh contrast.

Step three;
Vallejo leather brown on the hardware and an N scale dry transfer.
Also I got the roof started, S scale corrugated.
Had to scratch the roof walk, I could not use the Chivers ones.

Lots more to go still, but figured I better show some progress ;)



Looking real good.  Really like the roof and the weathering not overdone but really does highlight yhr whole car.  Looks like another excellent job.  Looking forward to the finishing.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

lucas gargoloff

I have to say... Marty you´re an excelent teacher!! After seeing this nice model and weathering, I´ll put hands at work to finish a work box car.
Keep up posting the progress at this.
Lucas Gargoloff - Argentina

shropshire lad

Marty ,

   I must say your refer ( or even reefer , for that matter!) is coming out looking very nice .I'm glad to see someone putting the information I have distributed to good use . I , to my shame , have only got around to painting a few barrels so far .I must pull my finger out and try some more .
   You might want to nail the roof down a bit more at the edges as I reckon it'll flap when you start hitting those high speeds on your layout !



All done!
Allthough I realise now I need to go over the ratchet and pawl.
Also added the battens just 'cause Nick said so ;)
