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The small workshop at Huffkins Mine

Started by Barney, July 07, 2018, 05:53:34 AM

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The Old Compressor house belonging to the previous owners was destroyed in the great storm of 1902 its now under restoration for use as a small workshop for the Huffkins mine - the idea is from a building using 1 brick wall with everything leaning on it 


Its early days for the model - lots to do - the brick work on the main end wall is individual bricks by Stacey's Miniature Masonry (1/24th scale) an excellent product and true scale size bricks - the side low wall is from a sheet of 1/35th scale bricks but very much over scale for 1/35th this wall will be covered with undergrowth and rusting junk.
The inside of the main wall will be a rendered finish and the rear wall is planked


The interior of the work shop will have a used look but not over weathered (only been in use for about 2years)
some work has been started on the machinary 


The wiring and fuse boxes were left overs from the old Compressor House just tided up a bit for the machines and the left overs of the old belt drives can be seen on the main brick wall


The start of the brick work - thin card board used as mortar spacing

Lawton Maner

Lead photo of finished model is impressive.


the style of the brick work I used


The interior of walls and floors is all plastic card


Stacey's produce some very useful stuff - bricks, floors and so on in the larger scales. I've kept some photos for reference from a number of web sites showing Marcel Ackle's modelling which is truly inspirational. Just type in of a search engine "Marcel Ackle" and a host of photos come up. 


Nick built some structures with individual bricks. As I recall, he actually made his own bricks. His results, as yours, are superb. Please keep us up to date on your progress. -- Russ

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt


Ray Dunakin

Great work so far! What an interesting and unusual prototype!
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World



Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Greg Hile

Very nice! Looking forward to seeing this progress ...