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General store in O scale (learning exercise)

Started by lab-dad, October 19, 2008, 04:15:25 PM

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I have had this picture my pop took lying around for a long time.
Dad took the picture somewhere in the four corners area about 30 years ago while we were on a trip together. I have always thought it was kool and I have been missing my pop alot lately so I thought it would be a good subject.
There are lots of materials to play with and learn about/from.
I am going to try styrene for the wood.
I also have some Yorke brick wall castings to use for the back and sides.
There is the Corr on the porch too.
Doubt I will copy the signage, may be do something along the lines of a photographer (again for pop).
Hopefully I will learn some new tricks................



Well Mj you never cease to amaze me!!
Styrene for wood very interesting, should be a great thread to follow.  Well what are you waiting for were's the layout.
I'm sure Dad will be proud!


Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


If that's your next project, Marty, be sure to take some progress shots and keep good notes. I plan to do do an article on using styrene for wood; it would be a great sidebar to accompany an article about your model.



Looks like a fun project, Marty. Those big windows will demand a full interior! Like Unc say, keep a step by step photo record.

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Thanks guys!
Younger I figure I will base it on one of Kinsey's shops with some of dads photos in the window, I think Phoenix has a photographer figure too.

Well I started on the project.
First was to mock up what i have vs. what I want.
Looks like the Grandt line doors will work with minor modifications.
They are the "factory doors" #3612
Then I started mocking up the front facade.
I need to run by the LHS and (hopefully) get the styrene sizes I need.
Their selection really sucks....


Well in just a few nights I have the front wall basic structure assembled.

Still have lots of mullions to add  ???
I pre grained the styrene for some small grain.
Guess I better start the coloring experiments ???


Marty, contact me by e-mail if you want my folder on styrene-to-wood techniques. I've been storing stuff for an article. -- Russ



I see progress this is going to be a very interesting build. What did you use to give it the grain effect?

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


What did you use to give it the grain effect?

Started with various emery boards and did some touch up with a fiberglass scratch brush.



Got the false front done.
Actually did it twice, clapboards are on the back - didnt like 'em.
Used the mill to cut the slots for the porch rafters.




Looking good.  Will you be using the rest of the Yorke Lakeside Grocery walls?



I have run the original photo through Photoshop Elements, to bring out more of the original colors:


Frank, the short answer on the walls is "yes" but with some modifications.

lenelg Thanks!!! That really helps! Now that basic construction is done i have been thinking of color. The building next to this one is already white so looking at the general store i am now definitely thinking brown/red to go with the bricks.
Thanks a bunch!