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2ft Gauge mining critter in 16mm scale

Started by Barney, September 27, 2015, 10:22:55 AM

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michael mott

I am not sure what is so iffy about this type of brake gear, As long as the drivwe is out of gear they would be pretty efficient in my opinion, a great deal of pressure can be applied with the smallest of fulcrum leverage consider the gripping power of a few turns of rope around a drum.

The model is looking good.


Ray Dunakin

It's the same type of braking used on mine hoists, so there must be some value to it.

Good thing this is a static model though, and not motorized. That kind of brake would be difficult to model accurately without it dragging.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Sorry put the wrong scale - should read 16mm scale


hey barney
have just caught up with your post neat little loco.with my latest project the flat pack i will be building a small loco similar,so many good detail items on this little critter especially the arm chair style drivers seat
cheers kim


Please note - The little critter in 1/16th scale now closed - Its now under a new Topic -2ft gauge Mining Critter in 16mm scale
and no I haven't lost the plot yet!!


A Few shots of the Ruth mine Trammer
modified Radiator /fuel tank and engine trial fit


Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Bill Gill

Looking very nice. Are those two not-wrapped in styrene, white Legos with gray Legos on top for the engine?


Bill Russell (SORRY, I MEANT JIM RUSSELL)  built a superb large scale model of this.
Look it up in the 7/8ths Forum.


Bill - yes they are LEGO blocks some of which have been skinned with plastic card in fact the engine and gear box "main lumps" are all LEGO at the moment its just the outline of the engine /gearbox I'v just started the detail work on the engine
Carlo - Bill Russells work has always been a great inspiration to me - his version of the trammer looks like the "big beast" version I managed to track down some vintage workshop manuals of these little critters and the variations appears to be endless ! much to the modellers delight !


the basics


This note appeared in my mailbox this morning regarding "unauthorized" use of online photos. Everyone should read it. The author makes a valid point: Anytime any of us posts an image we do not own we must provide attribution and/or request permission first. I had to badger a couple of websites about the unauthorized use of my own photos so I understand how the author and his colleagues feel. Here's the note:

Regarding the Fine Scale Forum

My name is Pete Jedlicka and a Co-Founder of the nonprofit organization American Industrial Mining Co. . We travel coast to coast preserving mining equipment with a strong focus on preserving mining locomotives. We have the largest online database of mining / critter type locomotives (including the master original records from the manufacture in several cases). We have always encouraged and assisted scale model builders to use our site.

It was brought to my attention by one of our fellow members of our organization that a post was made on the finescale forum regarding the Ruth Trammer Locomotive using poor screen shot images / prints then rescan from our site with no reference where the images were obtained.


Belonging to several forums ourselves there are usually etiquette procedures in place to cite the proper sources where the images were obtained from. I could not locate a guideline for posting pictures within this forum. Is this something that can be corrected or are there guidelines in place that we could just not locate?

We are a nonprofit 501c(3) mining preservation organization like I previously stated earlier. Our volunteers spend 1,000's of hours conducting research and updating to our continuously growing site for some of the most unique images never seen before up till now. We have another 1,000 + images ready to be updated over the winter. Our volunteers appreciate the craftsmanship that go into scale models with the same regard as our passion to restore / preserve mining locomotives for future generations.

This is why the volunteers were questioning posting etiquette after all the work that was required to launch the Ruth Section of the site.


Keep up the great work, the scale models are very impressive.
If I may be of further assistance to you in this matter please do not hesitate to email or call my mobile Ph# 614-571-7245.


Pete Jedlicka,
Special Projects Coordinator and Co Founder for American Industrial Mining Company
(Non profit mining and industrial equipment preservation)



To start with an apology - Some months ago the Industrial Mining website complained I used their photos without permission . I had no intention of upsetting anyone or making any gain and apologise to them.

Now "onward and upward " and to continue with My "freelance prototype version" of a Ruth Diesel 2ft mining critter in 16mm to the foot scale some progress made now detailing the 2 cylinder diesel engine - fuel pump/starter motor injector pump completed - now on the air filter and finishing the throttle control on the bulk head lots more to do but run out of ideas on things like starter motor cable and other cables how to depict the bolt on connections any ideas any one ? although being quite a large scale 16mm = 1ft even heavy duty cables work out quite delicate


New seat a few mods to the radiator