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KASTOR-78 ''Fuel Addiction''

Started by Bill76, March 26, 2013, 11:16:35 AM

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The dark gray is very easy to lay and the contrast is very sweet. Nice looking, isn't it ?

I choose to proceed to a ''post-shading'' action. I use the same colors by mixing the light and the dark grays, and by adding a light blue as well. The corners are lighten as the holes and deep areas are blackened. Nice job to underline the details.



So, this post-shading process is done and get ready for the next step. As usual, warm water and brush / toothpick.


Panel after panel, thepaint is removed smoothly. The HS technique is still magic. All the previous steps and colors appear and create a nice colorful patchwork.

Different types of brush are used to get more variations in the chipping process.



The chipping process is done on the hull.


The kit contains no decals so I choose some in my remainting stock. To contrast a little more, the numbers are white and will create nice variations when rusted.

I use decals for modern military planes. Very easy work. After beeing applied, the painting and the decals are sealed together under a coat of satin varnish at first, and the under a matt varnish in a second time.

Ready for some more weathering process.



Same process for the railgun and the front blade / bumper. This part is very well shaped and nicely detailled. I just add two hooks and two handles.


Primer and cream paint on the first coats. A coat of HS is applied between and the chipping process can start. Very pleasant job.


The rust is applied with a sponge to give a variation in tones before the cream paint.

The chipping step is sealed with a coat of matt varnish.

Several layers of HS rae layed with the airbrush as I use salt for more chipping details before the red color.



The bumper is painted in a variation of red / orange paints.

Nice work for the airbrush.



The paint on the bumper is removed with warm water and a brush. Decals will follow.



Nice contrast between the hull and the bumper 1/2.


Other side of Kastor 2/2.



The railgun receives the same painting process than the hull.


Same colors and still HS technique to achieve.



Railgun with new colors.