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Improvement to Scrollsaw

Started by WP Rayner, February 19, 2022, 01:26:09 PM

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WP Rayner

I've been using a scrollsaw to cut all the curved timbers and pieces for the Victory project. While that works well, the throat plate in the saw table was really causing problems while cutting narrow and/or small pieces. To solve the issue I made a new throat plate from aluminum and brass. You can see the original black plastic throat plate in the photo below. While it works fine for cutting plywood or larger stock, the channels in it and the large gap around the blade are a real pain-in-the-rear when it comes to cutting small pieces, as they have a tendency to drop into the gaps, breaking the blade and sending bits flying about. The new aluminum plate has two brass inserts with different sized holes. The one installed in the aluminum plate is for pinned blades, the other (with the smaller hole) is for smaller, pinless blades. Using the new throat plate, the stock or piece being cut is fully supported on the saw table up to the cutting edge of the blade which makes it much easier to make accurate and safe cuts.




That's mighty fine workmanship and a great idea. Thank you for sharing!


Extremely impressive. And adequate. -- Russ

WP Rayner

Thank you gentlemen. That simple modification has made a huge improvement in the accuracy and safety of the saw.


Very clever idea, Paul.
Learnt and on the to-do list now.
