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Sandy Hollow

Started by 1-32, November 30, 2020, 05:48:23 PM

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Well its certainly got character and even atmosphere
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Happy New Year everybody.2025
Stuart, Ray and Barney thank you for your comments.
There are maybe 3 or 4 items to be added, and then it will be finished.
I have to admit that I like boats the reason there is a finish line.
I have made two different loads, one cardboard box and the other wooden crates.
I like the wooden crates cut from bits of basswood that ended up in my offcut bin, I never waste anything.
I first make black cardboard boxes then clad them in whatever, completely random and with nothing in mind.
All the very best everybody.


Yes, the wood crates have more character. I love the boat. Very acceptable. -- Russ


A really pretty little boat. I particularly like the contents of the cardboard boxes. Whiskey bottles, if I've got that right?


Les Tindall

I wonder what 1/32 scale whiskey tastes like.
A VERY "wee dram"!

Ray Dunakin

Looks great! For what it's worth I think the crates work better than the boxes.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Hello Kim,
Your creations are always full of poetry and this boat too.


Well you have done it again  created "Atmosphere" Keep the inspiration up its great !
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Morning all.
TO Russ, Bernard, Les, Ray, Sami and Barney Cheers and all the best.
My little river, swamp or still water trader, tender is finished.
I will call it Mabel and wish everybody who sails on her good fortune and opportunity.
It is a delightful build and the last detail is the park bench to sit and watch the world go by.
Regards Kim,


Outstanding and charismatic. -- Russ

Ray Dunakin

Nice! Lots of charm in that little boat.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


I can only agree with that. The boat has a lot of character and charm.



Hi Russ , Ray and Bernard as always all the best,
I wanted to see what this photo looks like full-size so here it is a mix of scratch and commercial bits.
But more about this fiddle later

Bill Gill

Kim, a nice peek inside the shop.

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World