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Fine-scale Leaves, Plants, Vegetation and Scenic /Scenery supplies

Started by marc_reusser, April 01, 2011, 02:57:45 PM

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Links and info about scenic materials.

This is intended as a group effort, so feel free to add more links to better-quality scenic materials! Lets try to Keep this pretty tight on topic and subject, as a reference location, and review of the material or vendor if you have used them/it. I will try and consolidate posts/info wherever I can..so if your on topic post/link vanishes or is modified, it was likely consolidated into another post with a sim topic/material.

A lot of the sites are international, if you want, you can search Ebay for 1/35 leaves, plants, vines, flowers, etc., to give you an idea what's out there.  Then find the maker's name to search for on-line vendors.

Plus Model (laser cut paper leaves sized for 1/35 scale, and a wide variety of diorama accessories):

Joefix Studio's (a variety of natural and manufactured scenicing materials)

Hudson & Allen Studio] (a variety of natural and manufactured scenicing materials, as well as diorama accessories)

Diorama materials Inc. (a variety of natural  scenicing materials)

Aber (photo etched metal sets of plants and vines with all the leaves on the vines, ready to twist and paint, as well as a variety of PE diorama details):

Eduard Model Accessories (photo etched metal sets of plants and vines with all the leaves on the vines, ready to twist and paint, as well as a variety of PE diorama details):

Fredericus Rex ( the "Green Line landscaping"  products for laser-cut paper leaves, plants, etc.):

Model-Scene (a variety of manufactured scenery materials)

Kamizukuri (laser-cut paper leaves, plants, etc.):

Jadar-Model (laser cut paper palm leaves, rose bushes, and sunflowers)

PART (photo-etched fern and other PE diorama accessories)

Army Painter (manufactured ground covering)

Noch (a wide variety of manufactured scenery and landscaping materials):

Silflor (a variety of manufactured mats and ground cover):

Mini-Natur (a wide variety of manufactured scenery and landscaping materials):

Heki  (a wide variety of manufactured scenery and landscaping materials):

Woodland Scenics (a wide variety of manufactured scenery and landscaping materials):

Arizona Rock & Mineral Company (a wide range of soil &rock ground covering, as well ass ballast for multiple scales)

JTT Tree (a variety of manufactured scenery materials and and ready-made architectural and scenic trees)

Distributors/Suppliers/On-Line Shops:

Scenic Express (they have a downloadable catalog as well)

Michigan Toy soldier

Great Models



Modellers Warehouse

Here are a few websites to waste some time on .
www.barrule.com (Antenociti's Workshop)
www.accurate-armour.com (look in products , then Armour Distribution , then modelling supplies, then in Model Finishing )

Again, please feel free to add more links, photos, etc for those interested in premium scenic materials.

Wouldn't hurt to add links for Marcel Ackle, Gilbert Gribi, etc.

Diorama construction can be taken to the very limits with these sorts of things. Or, one could build a layout with pockets of intense scenic detail and, well, never finish it?

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Don't forget dried birch tree seeds as an endless source of leaves.

These can also be dyed with various fabric dyes to create "green" leaves, or individually painted with acrylics to create a variety of colors.  All perfect for 35th scale and bigger

These have been used to great effect by many modelers.  If you don't have a local source (ie, nature), they're available packaged from 'Joefix Studios', and 'Hudson & Allen Studios' (see mfr list in first post).

Have Fun,


Malachi Constant

There are various sources for photo-etched plant material with a growing selection ... and now our own Ken Hamilton is producing some too.  Set shown above is intended as a 1/24 vine, but also suitable for 1/35 scale, etc.  

See this thread for additional photos:  http://www.finescalerr.com/smf/index.php?topic=1394.0

Wildhare Models site:  http://www.wildharemodels.com/
(Vines are not on the site at time of this writing, but Ken will get to it!)  ;)

An example of the vines in use:

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Gordon Ferguson

This link will give you details of the different methods that I have used for preserving natural/real plants.


FWIW, my views:

Air Drying, works well with most vegetation but you need to plan ahead as it takes time - I have "sealed " plants after drying with light sprays of varnish.

Glycerine, again works well and the colour change helps indicate when process is completed - again takes time and I have had issues with "glycerine bleed" afterwards.

Desiccants, forget it unless you are sealing your model up after completion - even spraying with a varnish does not seem to stop plant re-absorbing moisture from the air.

Pressing, works well just visit a good natural history museum to see but not come across a use for it in modelling.

Microwave, my favourite due to speed and ease of use. You do need to experiment as there is a fine line between drying out the plant material so that it is still slightly pliable and drying it out to such an extent that it crumbles to dust when you touch it !



put brain in gear before putting mouth in action.
never underestimate the stupidity of idiots
I am what I remember.


I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


shropshire lad

J's Work  ( manufacturer of paper plants)


Diorama Materials  ( natural materials used for plants and flowers)


UK Distributors for GreenLine/Fredericus Rex  



shropshire lad

Warning this is not an April Fool ...or is it ?

Here is something that will be of interest to bald men who can't afford a Noch Grassmaster and can't be bothered to make their own out of a tennis racket fly swat and tea strainer .
 I saw an ad on the TV for this earlier in the year and fell about laughing until I realised that what is was selling is no different to laying static grass . Just a different colour .

   You saw it here first .


FWIW, just a quick product review/info. (these are just my opinions and impressions):

I received part of a large order of scenery materials I made with Michigan Toy Soldier today, included there-in were the following that might be of interest:

'Green Line/Fredericus-Rex' #GL-200 Grass (Length 100mm) http://www.fredericus-rex.de/shop2010/images/product_images/popup_images/gl-200.jpg, and 'Diorama Materials (DMI)' #MDO3 Shrubs http://www.dioramaterials.com/images_general/dioramaindex/indexshrubs6.jpg; these two items appear to be the same natural plant material. The GL/FR material is a bit larger and thicker (more mature) than the DMI material (though despite being labled as 100mm, mine scales out to 90mm; the DMI scales out to 80mm) they could both be used independently or in conjunction with eachother to represent a wider variety of plant size. IMO the GL/FR is too large/coarse for use in 1/48 or smaller, whereas the DMI could be used as tall river or pond reeds/plants in 1/48. The GL/FR material came packaged in a clear vacuformed unibox which generally prevents the material from becoming smahed or damaged, where-as the DMI came in a small clear zip-loc bag which is much more susceptible to bending and crushing, so depending on your shipper/packer/retailer you can expect some damage...this is not necessarily bad, as you would probably do some of this "resizing" of the material yourself for use in your scenes.) Both materials come in a nutural yellow/brown dried plant color, and could be used as is, or painted with acrylics via airbrush, or wet-painting.

'Diorama Materials (DMI)' #MD03 Real Grass http://www.dioramaterials.com/images_general/dioramaindex/indexrealgrass03%20.jpg;  This material was a pleasant surprise, and I found it quite neat. It does seem to be some form of very fine fiber/grass material, in a natural yellow/brown (dried grass) color. As it is a natural material, it has non of the "sheen" issues that synthetic grass material has. This is packaged in a clear zip-loc bag. The fibers run a range of lengths but seems to max out at 8mm. I see this material as being really useful for applications such as where grass is mixed with mud (IE armor treads, or truck and tractor wheels), or where dried grass/plant material would accumulate on, or around,  structures, railcars, equipment, in corners, or any other place where debris would occur. I personally don't see this as being useable for any type of upright/standing grass as the fibers are are small, very random, and looseley packed, so it would be tough to get any semblance of continuous vertical "growth" over any area. I see this as easily being used for scales 1/48 and larger (the smaller/crushed/broken pieces in the bag would probably even work in 1/72...or as shown in the image as hay and such in 1/87). It could also be mixed with leaves and other plant debris to form a more diverse and convincing mix/appearance in a scene.

....if interested, I can post info on other items.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


Malachi Constant

Quote from: marc_reusser on April 08, 2011, 02:21:32 PM
FWIW, just a quick product review/info. (these are just my opinions and impressions):

....if interested, I can post info on other items.


Yes, please!  There are a lot of these items that (a) seem very interesting but (b) are accompanied by crappy little photos and minimal descriptions ... so your "actual" impressions should prove quite helpful.  As you know already, it gets expensive accumulating a good asst. of these things, so any that are an obvious "pass" help control the expense.  Thanks for the notes/effort!   Dallas
-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com


Followed the link for Real Grass back to this tutorial ..

.. and pics of the Shrubs from DMI

Hmmm. I could use some river reeds ...
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"


In the image below, are shown two products by Hudson & Allen Studios, on the left is #9403 "Forest Litter", and on the right is #9993 "Woodland Debris"; In both, the leaf litter is represented by Birch seeds. The major difference other than a slight variation of the color of the seeds (the FL runs a slight bit more yellow/red/natural, while the WD, runs more yellow/brown/natural; I don't know if this due to natural variation of the seeds/batch, due to mfr. coloring, or due to the additional material in the WD altering ones perception), is that the Forest Litter is almost entirely seeds, with a small amount of fine brown detritus, whereas the Woodland Debris has more brown detritus, as well as some what appears to be pieces/strands of green moss, and fine green detritus, mixed in. Though the two are visually different, I don't feel it is necessarily enough to warrant buying both (unless you wanted to for the sake of expediency) I would say that you can just easily purchase only the Forest Litter, which would give you the flexibility of using it as is, or use it as a base to mix in your own small detritus to create the look/mix/coloring you want or need for your scene. IMO, this material is most effective in scales of 1/35 to 1/20.  It could work at 1/16-1/12 as small leaves depending on application; and it could work in 1/48, though one should take care to remove the larger and obviously out of scale "leaves".

For me personally, the green moss fibers/strands in the Woodland Debris, are too strong in color, and an odd visual form/piece that draws the eye. I would have a hard time trying to figure out something they would represent (IE in the real world)....and would end up picking them out with tweezers before applying the material.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....


shropshire lad


   Thanks for spending the time reviewing those products . It will help the rest of us separate the "wheat from the chaff" , so to speak .

  I agree with you about having to pick out the bright green bits in the woodland debris shot . I also would want to crush up all of the birch seeds as they look like what they are , birch seeds . I have used them once on my 1/24th scale mine portal diorama as ivy leaves , but I wouldn't use them for that again . To me they would only be of use crushed up and used as leaf litter .  However , I can understand why they might be more popular than the Plus Models and Green Scene leaves , as they are dirt cheap in comparison . But as in most things in life , you gets what you pay for .



Lets talk Fine Scenery foam:

In the materials that arrived today was a container of [b[Gale Force #GFS-010 "Flock Blend; Spring Undergrowth"[/b] This is a fine ground foam groundcover is sim, but just a very slight bit coarser in texture/grain to what is sold by Woodland Scenics as "fine turf", and JTT Tree as "fine". The material comes in a round, clear hard plastic, lidded container. Care needs to be taken when opening it, for as with any fine turf some it invariably ends up spilling or glomming itself onto whatever is in the immediate vicinity.  ;D  The gale Force Material (blend) basically has two components; the core/body of fine green colored turf, and an extremely fine reddish and beige, with the occasional white fleck, foam admixture. The color admixture is effective and does add some variation to the green base (the green base color material seems to be almost the same as the JTT Trees #TU-1064 "Burnt Grass"). Without dumping it all out for comparison, visually the Gale Force container ($3.99) appears to contain about 1/3 or less than the amount of material as one gets in the standard Woodland Scenics or JTT Trees bags, however, I think that for the that cost, it is worth having as an alternative material to enhance areas and add some variation to the otherwise typical monochromatic fine ground foams, especially when working in the smaller scales. I don't use a lot of fine ground foam in the larger scales, such as 1/48 and up, other than to use it as mossy growth, or apply it to random grass/plant fibers to give some texture and represent small "leaves" on weeds, but the Gale F material would be a good material option for this as well.  

IMO The Gale Force #GFS-010, would work as a good compliment to the Woodland Scenics "Burnt Grass" #T44, and the JTT Trees "Burnt Grass" #TU1064

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....




Mon Plaisir. I agree with you about the Birch seeds appearing as what they are, however, I also feel there is a draw-back to using the true laser cut leaf shapes such as those from Plus Model. I really like the PM type leaves, and I think they are great for enhancing detail areas or for the one or two odd leaves laying on a scenic element, however (cost aside) having a whole large area/swath of perfect laser cut leaves seems very strange/jarring and unnatural to me. How often foes one see a whole area of perfect whole leaves laying around in real life? ;D This is where I feel the Birch seeds have a bit of an advantage, as you point out, they can be crushed and broken thus creating a more random and natural look of leaf debris......I think maybe a carefully mixing/blending of the two would be worth trying.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....
