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At the corner of the street

Started by Sami, August 16, 2018, 10:10:35 AM

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Quote from: Sami on October 07, 2018, 12:27:56 AM
Hi guys !

I finished the power transformer.

The brickwork look fantastic!
But I have some doubts about the roof. I have never seen concrete that has a yellow component. If the yellow was more green, I would interpret is as mould, something I have seen on several old horisontal concrete surfaces. A more reddish-brown could suggest rust seeping out from the rebar, something that is also not unusual on early concrete structures.

But this might of course be a case where there are local variations,  and I just have not seen the right prototype reference photos.

When we see models without prototype references, we sort of make an mental protoype based on what we formerly have seen in real life, other prototype pictures and even other models.

This can of course mislead us totally. So I am not claiming that the yellow is not correct, but it does not feel entirely right to me.
Regards, Hauk
"Yet for better or for worse we do love things that bear the marks of grime, soot, and weather, and we love the colors and the sheen that call to mind the past that made them"  -Junichiro Tanizaki

Remembrance Of Trains Past


Thank Hauk for your revelante comment !

I wanted reproduce the effect some the first photo some the link below.


It's easy to find the real colors and the photo of my model is misleading. The green is less yellow than it appears to it.
I often have difficulty restoring the trues colors of my models in photo.  

Greg Hile

Yeah, I was going to say that the roof looks more green than yellow to me. I am having a similar problem with one of my projects, where what I wanted was a darker shade of yellow but it actually looks more green under the light in my shop. It does look much better outdoors, however, which is where it will eventually end up. I guess I should be taking a closer look at my interior lighting.

Lawton Maner

     I see an algae or mold covering on the slab.  The yellow tint it could be argued is the result of a dry spell which has caused the vegetation to go dormant.  I have no real problem with the interpretation of the subject.   
     We all must remember that the recipe for most concrete is: 1-2-3.  1 part portland cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts stone.  The color of new concrete is a greenish grey because of the surface layer of cement and as it begins to age and weather this erodes leaving the sand and stone visible.  This interacts with the forces of nature and with time pollution and other things add to the complexity of the surface.  Depending on the source of the sand and stone the color of older concrete can vary widely.  The majority of the concrete used in my local area comes from a series of quarries about 100 miles away and is a strong blue grey in color.  This contrasts with the sand which comes from deposits along the James River and is an orange color very close to garnet.  Older concrete stone in the area came from borrow pits along the James that lent an orange tone to the concrete as it aged.  When I was in college in Kansas most of the stone used locally came from the "chat" which was waste rock from local nickel and zinc mines and was a cream color giving the concrete there the appearance of vanilla ice cream.
     The color of the fillers in concrete are most visible in concrete roads as the vehicle tires cause the surface to wear much faster.  Have someone else drive while you study the color of the road surface.   
     Since what we are doing is modeling nature, observe the concrete from a distance and not close up.  color variations meld together, and the surface appears to be much smoother then it really is.  Form work for older concrete was made from individual boards, many times rough cut, which gives one a surface texture which becomes highlighted with age; while newer concrete is poured into either molds of plywood or metal.  Additionally designers will specify that patterns be cast into the surface to decorate the face of the slab.  Has anyone seen a post WWII wall slab which models the holes left behind when the ties which bind the 2 sides of the form together during the pour are snapped off?  How might one model that feature?   


great walls and detail.
cheers kim.