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O-Scale Fire Escape Kit - First Look

Started by Ken Hamilton, June 30, 2010, 09:34:14 PM

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Ken Hamilton

Here's a quick test-shot of the new "Wildhare Models" O-SCALE Fire Escape, our first
attempt at an O-scale kit. This pilot model still needs the counter-weight, but I was anxious
to see what a photo would look like.
The bottom stairway is hinged.....


They'll be ready in a few weeks (after the instruction sheets are completed) on the
Wildhare Website - www.wildharemodels.com.  Stay tuned for details.............

PS:  Here's the layout of the kit:

Your thoughts & comments are appreciated.

Coming Next - matching O-Scale fencing & columns.

Ken Hamilton

Ray Dunakin

Can you tell me the dimensions of some of the major parts, such as the side railings? I'm curious as to whether any of the components might be useful for something else in a larger scale.

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


That's the best you can do?

Seriously, they are gorgeous!!

I had a couple of surprises today, too. The new Narrow Gauge Annual arrived (via overnight) way ahead of schedule; subscribers should receive them within the next couple of weeks. And my new jazz album, Spinach Blossom, arrived early, too! Sound clips should be on the Westlake Records website within about three weeks (www.westlakerecords.com); a tune list and album description already are up.


Ken Hamilton

Ray, the overall dimensions of the flat card shown above are 5-3/4"x 8-12".
The railings (excluding the pins on the bottom) are 3/4" tall....rather small
for "Ray-Scale" but there's always a different use for just about anything.

Hey, Russ.....wasn't there a train called the Spinach Blossom Special?...............

Ken Hamilton


Real pretty, I like them!    The only suggestion I have is to add a little extention to the back of the support brackets, to form pegs for optional, more secure attachment to the structure.  Then include a drill template in the instruction sheet, for placing the holes.   This could be for one landing only, or two brackets per landing.   It would add a lot more strength than a glue bond. 

Glad you turned your attention to this sort of thing, Ken, there's a definite need.    As quality and complexity of aftermarket goods increases, so will the general level of craftsmanship of builders.   That's certainly what happened with plastic modelling since photo etch went mainstream.    You're providing the quality goods, I'm very interested to see what people do with them and expecting good things. 


Ken Hamilton

Glad you jumped in, Dave.  As a "Purveyor Of Cool Stuff", I was looking forward to your input.

Funny you should mention mounting brackets.  In the instruction sheet, I'm planning on
incorporating the thin outer fret into bracket supports.  There will be a template for cutting
short pieces of the fret, which will be bent at a right angle and attached to the back of the
brackets so there's a flat surface to attach to a building.

I do like the hole-drilling/anchor pin idea.  I hadn't thought of that, and it sure would add strength.
Thanks for your comments!
Ken Hamilton


Hey Ken you're welcome.   Maybe the pegs and right angle ideas could be combined.  The builder could drill holes for the pegs, lazy ones can just bend the pegs to right angles, for at least an increased surface area for glue.   

But if I were building this, I would probably insert brass rod into the structure, glue the landings to those.  The brackets would be glued on last, as non-load bearing parts, for visual accuracy only.


Would be 'scary' if you guys combined to make a kit .. like an etched brass and 'wood' structure
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

Ken Hamilton

Quote from: DaKra on July 01, 2010, 07:18:41 AM
I would probably insert brass rod into the structure, glue the landings to those.  The brackets would be glued on last,
as non-load bearing parts, for visual accuracy only.
Good observation.  Anchor the angle brackets to the wall with pins or glue; attach the platforms hassle-free
to the pre-hung brackets; trim &fit the ladders into place as required; add the ornate support brackets last.
I LIKE it. Thanks, Dave.

Traxx:  I agree.  We might make a good Tag Team!
Ken Hamilton

Malachi Constant

How can I adapt this to suit a one-story, wood-side building?  Ok, just kidding ... but those look so dang cool, it does make one start thinking about building an urban jungle.  Great stuff, Ken!

PS -- Currently studying the window tutorial on your fotki site for some construction ideas ... thanks for all the effort there!

-- Dallas Mallerich  (Just a freakin' newbie who stumbled into the place)
Email me on the "Contact Us" page at www.BoulderValleyModels.com

Ken Hamilton

Quote from: Malachi Constant on July 01, 2010, 10:07:04 AM
Currently studying the window tutorial on your fotki site for some construction ideas ... thanks for all the effort there!
You're welcome!  Please get in touch if you have any questions regarding the window How-To.
Ken Hamilton


Ken - I have also went through your fotki window tutorial .. and with Dallas' TY need to add my own. What scale was that? If it's there I missed it.
Ed Traxler

Lugoff, Camden & Northern RR

Socrates: "I drank WHAT?"

Ken Hamilton

Quote from: eTraxx on July 01, 2010, 11:13:33 AM
What scale was that? If it's there I missed it.
The How-To is 1/2" scale, but the procedures work in other scales.
For a sliding window (HO in this case), check out these photos:

Ken Hamilton


Par excellence Ken, they look just great. And I agree, the David and Ken team seems it would be a winner. I would like to know how you fasten brass. I know our mutual friend, NK likes to use glue. And would there be a bending jig you recommend?


That fire escape looks great Ken... excellent job. Almost makes me want to build an alleyway scene just to be able to use it...
