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Sandy Hollow

Started by 1-32, November 30, 2020, 05:48:23 PM

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Ray Dunakin

That looks great! Lots of character in that little bridge.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


That really adds to the overall effect. This project is shaping up very nicely. -- Russ

Bill Gill

Can't tell if there's any spit, but the rest of it looks held together with bailing wire. I like it.


I simply like this style. It looks so realistic.




looks great to me. I like the makeshift look of the bondaged bridge. What kind of wood did you use for bridge and sleepers?

I'll make it. If I have to fly the five feet like a birdie.
I'll fly it. I'll make it.

The comprehensive book about my work: "Vollendete Baukunst"


very realistic - nice wood colour 
Never Let someone who has done nothing tell you how to do anything
Stuart McPherson


Thanks, everybody
.Volker I am using a few varieties.
Love basswood for the structural bits but for a while, I have been using craft plywood by A.J.Leeman 0.6 mm thick but you can get thicker. Love this stuff cheap in big sheets and can be laminated to get the warped effect just play around with it lends itself also to washers and a very even distribution of colour . For a while now my favourite material I just dream up ways of using it, sometimes I leave it in water overnight. easily obtained especially in Europe.

Lawton Maner

Nice work so far.  As soon as you finish, Health and Safety is going to post signs forbidding anyone from using it.


Hi Lawton how are you?
Now, this is a footbridge.


Hi all.
Well, that was Christmas hope you all had a reasonable day hoping the new year will be better.
Last time I mentioned that I did not like the signal I and I wanted to build a new one. A Banner signal mounted on the bridge is its replacement much better more in line with narrow gauge simple stop-go function.

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Kim, very nice with function.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal


Yes, that's even more in line with your style.



That will be a very charismatic focal point of the diorama. Adequate. -- Russ

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt
