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Own construction of a mine locomotive

Started by Design-HSB, December 18, 2012, 03:42:46 AM

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Hello silent reader and a silent reader,

yes it goes on and I hope it still interested. : wink:
What I would be interested to know whether women also read along. : gruebel:

The parking brake lever has been fitted.

It was the same back then re-soldering.

For the first time I had used solder paste and this was indeed wonderfully clean, only the columns were not filled.

Such small details, then see but sometimes only on the magnification of an image.

Meanwhile, I can make for the front mount and all the hardware.

Front ready fitted.
Thus finally realized where the trailer socket is mounted.

All parts except for the visible nuts and bolts are made ​​of brass and self-production.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal


I am enjoying this keep up the great work!

Ray Dunakin

Looking good! It should be really nice once it's painted and complete.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Hi Marty and Ray,

for you and all others interested in a report on further progress.

Locomotive frame with further improvements.

Since I have no suitable rotation possibility that bolts are machined from a plate.

Machined bolt for the buffer plate.

Then also the framework for the new headlights and side walls is formed.

As slow as the locomotive created me personally in mind.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

michael mott

Wonderful clean workmanship Helmut.



Hi Michael,

thanks for the recognition.

But for you and all the others you dare to write something to calm or questions because I too am pleased with feedback as any other participants in a forum.

Hi all,
so now but finally back to progress because in the meantime the 0.3 mm silver Ätzblech has arrived with the other components.

Left frame part soldered Exterior. After I had already made test runs and the locomotive was previously held mainly by duct tape, I have now started the soldering together.

Of course, before that were all the findings of tests and further considerations implemented.
This then also all the outer sides were milled again.

Left frame part soldered Interior for easy alignment and hold during soldering I have the inner frame using the filler additionally screwed to M1 screws from the inside.
Moreover, the whole thing was so in my test drives already had more stability.

Right frame part soldered Exterior.

Right frame part soldered inside view.

Here again is a somewhat freer view of my drives.

So I can edit module for separation and assembly by screwing the floorboards, everything after the desired stability and ease of maintenance.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

Ray Dunakin

Nice work, and quite interesting to see it come together.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World

Chuck Doan

I really like the precision of your work.
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



I agree with Chuck. Beautiful. Like Jewlery.

...definitely something I would never have the skill or patience to do.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Look who's talking about lack of patience: Mr. 60 hour paint and weathering job. -- Russ


Hi all,

First of all thank you for your interest and support.

Today I built at the BBA on.

Front and rear of the BBA model.

The lamp guards are mounted at the rear and I have also attached edge protection geschlitzem 1 mm tube.

Everything is back to normal soldered and cleaned once before.

So I have now spent nearly 200 hours to build the engine and still not have finished.

In any case, since you give me here, particularly the possibility Marc models when it comes time for the color I want it to apply to the model.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

michael mott

QuoteSince I have no suitable rotation possibility that bolts are machined from a plate.

Helmut I do not understand this statement, if you do not have rotational ability how did you get the bolts round whether you cut them from plate or anything else?



Hi Michael,

I have no suitable lathe, I have milled out the pin with a CNC machine from a brass plaque.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

michael mott

Hi Helmut thanks for the information, seems a bit like making cubes on a lathe with a four jaw chuck, if it is the only tool you have, one adapts.



Great looking pieces Helmut, spending lots of time is one of the advantages of this hobby :)