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Madera Sugar Pine Lumber Company # 1 Old Betsy

Started by Scratchman, July 12, 2009, 07:36:50 PM

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Good God man!!  That is one beautiful piece of work.  You just seem to amaze us all.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin

Chuck Doan

It may have been your first u shaped tank, but you got it right. Certainly seems destined to be another excellent build.
I have seen her with a wood cab and an open one (roof only). Have you decided which you will do?
"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



Thanks guys for your comments and info. Chuck if I do this engine again it will be more like the one on the cover of the Gazette. This model will be more like the drawing. I will keep the cab as open as possible. The wood on the end beams and the wood running boards will help keep the model balanced.

Gordon Birrell



Hello compadres,

about Archer Transfert Rivets:
did a model maker of the forum already use this type of rivet, and will be able to show us the result in photo?
This system seems interesting for many scratchbuilt models!!!
Thanks and sincerely!



Hello Scratchman,

Your skills for working with Styrene... perfection in more ways than one.

Great craftsmanship Scratchman.. It has been a pleasure to wittness such workings.



Here are two more photos, before painting. Now onto the cab.

Gordon Birrell


Ken Hamilton

Wow....is this Kool.  I love how you do those gears, Gordon.

PS:  Congrats on the article in the new "Annual".  It's always inspiring to see your stuff in print.
Ken Hamilton


I just figured it out Gordon,  :o

You must be the product of all the past steam builders rolled into one.

and they say re-incarnation is a myth....hehehe...

I have found your workings creeping into some of my daydreamming... only proves to me how impressionable your projects have been on me and I have no doubt on many others as well...

Beautiful...simply beautiful...

A True Fan of your skill....


Hey Gordon,

I had a question surface in my pea size brain......  ???

Is it detramental to the construction as well as the design, that it would be to know the extent of the tooling technology in the era deplicted in the subject?

and if so would it be those limitations in what determind the out come of the subjects lifecycle?

Ok so thats two questions....



Gordon, inspiring work. Thanks for always letting us in on the build process, I learn much from your posts.

Chuck Doan

"They're most important to me. Most important. All the little details." -Joseph Cotten, Shadow of a Doubt



I concur with you Chuck.

It's like he has a shop full of little hard working Elves...  :D ;D :D ;)

It's almost magical how fast his projects move along.



Thanks guys for your comments. Mike for  your questions  I have no idea.

Now that I have a scale plan I will start a new model of this loco.

With 8" longer wheel base.

With 4" larger wheel diameter.

With 4" higher frame channels.

with 4' 0" longer from end to end.

With 4" larger boiler diameter.

The boiler 1' 6" longer

The water tank 1' 0" longer and so on.

This is how far I was off with my first model. The new model will look more like the painting on the cover of the Gazette.

Gordon Birrell




Well done Gordon,

A little out of spec or not it is still a beautiful creation.
(a mechanical/machinery built whithout plans would be a challenge most would not undertake)
(not to mention actually ending up being that close to the plan spec's)

Very well done... IMO
