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2ft Gauge mining critter in 16mm scale

Started by Barney, September 27, 2015, 10:22:55 AM

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and new sign for the diorama

Ray Dunakin

Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Its just plastic card with Slaters letters - Sprayed with Humbrol matt Grey and dry brushed with Humbrol Metal coat (polished steel)
letters available from https://slatersplastikard.com/assets/pdfs/AlphabetFlyer.pdf an excellent company with a world wide service


Now for another classic joke from Mr Russ (cough and a splutter ) Ruth Diesel is Vin Diesel's mother !


The metal plate looks terrific. And Barney must stand in the corner. -- Russ


A bit of progress but still a long way to go - loads of detail work to do on the "body work" lamps / brackets and wiring front and rear to be fitted - brakes needs rivet and nut bolt detail + all the other little bits - general wiring to starter motor and generator /lamp switches /battery box and on and on we go !


As with the engine a few changes to give it that different look all done with bits a pieces laying around in the Mine (with no name) workshop a more comfortable !! seat


Engine "finished" I think ! starter motor and generator to be fitted last after painting


shots of the engine a Two cylinder Diesel


Simply amazing what you build so grandiose of many small parts.
Regards Helmut
the journey is the goal

Bill Gill

Lawton Maner

I love the paint job on the chassis, it reminds me of an Orca.


Gordon Ferguson

Very ! Satisfactory

Just remind me ,  your plastic nuts & bolts ..... Do you drill holes for fixing them ( i.e. Leaving the moulded stem on ) or are you just cutting them off flush then fixing

Just seems sharper than my work/method