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Burden of Sorrow

Started by ricklawler, September 14, 2011, 08:55:23 AM

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Beautiful work on the garments... I think that "sombre" catches it.  The trunks have the right feel of time and if the layout of the items in the clothing is akin to the final, it gives a sense of passing or abandonment.  I was thinking back to the Schindler's List use of the red coat as a gimmick, but I would worry that it comes off, well gimmicky :)

The much used cart looks like it was scarfed from some Lithuanian farm...  

"Did I mention this is a bad idea?"

Ken Hamilton

Beautiful job on the clothing.  You've really made the hard castings look "soft".
This is going to be an impressive diorama.
Ken Hamilton

Ray Dunakin

Nicely done. I like the new title, too.
Visit my website to see pics of the rugged and rocky In-ko-pah Railroad!

Ray Dunakin's World


Really great to see you post this build and your techniques here. Your work is a wonderful addition to the forum.

Sorry for my lack of posts on this build (and your others) here and on MIG, but I have simply run out of superlatives....so I just enjoy watching.

I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Beautiful work.  Should be a very impressive diorama.

Great how to. Thanks for all your postings.

Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
George Carlin


Thank you all, very much.  Having the support and encouragement of such talented modelers means a great deal to me.



please post some final pictures!

I have seen them in the MIG forum and I think that you did a terrific job on such a delicate topic. The holocaust theme is something incredibly difficult to address in general, but you managed handle it in a respectful and yet moving way! - Aside from your excellent model work, of course!

Please post some pictures.


I second Christian's comments.
I am an unreliable witness to my own existence.

In the corners of my mind there is a circus....



Shame, At this point in time I cant see a single pic in this thread only this message .  .
Don in sunny Devon, England


And that is why links to photos on other sites are a waste of time and space: You never know when someone will pull the image or close the site. If you want to post a photo, DO NOT post links. Download the photo to your computer and upload the photo here. Easy. It works. You'll be happy. -- Russ


Ian Hodgkiss
The Steamy Pudding - an English Gentleman's Whimsy in 1:24 scale Gn15 (in progress)
On the Slate and Narrow - in 1:12 scale (coming soon)
Brisbane, Australia


My apologies for the broken photo links.  I have posted a recap of the work and the final photographs here:

